Monday, March 28, 2011

Update on other part of project

We have just done a mock interview for the double page spread, however will wait until Katie has seen it before we make a decision on whether or not to upload it, or whether it needs any adjustment!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mock up of advert for magazine

Here is a mock up of the advert we are designing for a magazine.
The picture we got is from,but we will be using our own picture when it comes to finalising ours.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ta DA!!!! Finally the picture is here, this is the guideline for our double page spread for the radio play


Unfortunately due to technical stupidity on behalf of the computer, though it's probably soomething to do with us, our double page spread guideline won't load up.
On the the other hand we still need to find another male to voice the role of Simon, but we are still in the middle of creating our advert!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Breakthrough... well an idea

Well for our advertisement, it will feature a knitting needle and bowl of wool or yarn (whatever you want to call it, though Katie may criticise me for saying yarn as its American) Covered in blood, which won't actually be blood, unless Katie and Vicky are sadistic beings, which i hope not.
Anyways rolling on, my friends mum has a knitting needle and bowl of wool, as she likes to nit and she has kindly given us permission to use one of her knitting needles and a bowl of wool, so hurray!
We are still planning our double page spread,putting across our own ideas as well.
So there you go an update... Bye!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Update Double Page Spread and Newspaper Advertisement

We have already begun to plan out our double page spread, as it was part of our coursework last year in AS me and Vicky have done a mock of the setting of the double page spread.
We (when i say we i really mean I as I'm the on who found it) found a picture of a double page spread from a radio magazine called 'radio user magazine'
We have also decided on what image to use in the both the spread and the advertisement. For the doubler page spread the image will consist of me dressed as Pugh, with te full detective look, holding a knitting needle, whilst the newspaper advertisement will consists of a ball of wool and knitting needle with blood covering the needle.
We have also decided to draw different sketches of what the advertisement will look like, before scanning them and posting on our respective blogs, then deciding on which one is more dramatic etc
That is all.